Scandinavian buddy for hair natural removal🌵
Let customers speak for us

Studio @ Roba
Our studio located in Helsinki's Iso Roba is a pink dream focused on customer sugaring - and from time to time e-commerce orders are also operated from there.
Nyt trendaa💖
Limited Edition: Sugar Buddy refill 500g for him
Balancing Buddy Wash - intimate wash [pH5.5]
Salty Body Scrub [Watermelon] - salt scrub for the body
Keep talking 💬

Sugar Buddy home sugaring set
The international Nordic Natural Beauty Awards jury awarded the Sugar Buddy kit at the 2022 awards🥇
Sokerointiin meille?
1) Valitse toimipiste & aika
Ajanvarauksesta näet saatavilla olevat ajat [ark 8-20 & la 10-16]. Jos tulet tuoteostoksille, varaathan ostosajan tai soitat etukäteen jotta emme ole juuri silloin asiakkaiden kanssa.
2) Valitse palvelu & suosikkitekijäsi
Jos haluat "tutulle tyypille", voit valita henkilöstöstä haluamasi tekijän. Jos tulet ekaa kertaa, voit valita Kuka tahansa, ja tarjoamme sinulle kaikki vapaat ajat!
3) Saavu paikalle sovitusti
Saavu paikalle pari minuuttia ennen varauksen alkua. Jos olet myöhässä, niin voimme joutua soveltamaan palvelua, jotta emme myöhästy seuraavasta asiakkaasta.
Frequently Asked Questions
Asking For a Friend
How does home sugaring differ from professional sugaring?
In that when you start sugaring at home, you have to study the same technique that a professional has gone through through training. Our homemade sugar is a ready-to-use mass and you don't need to add anything to it. In winter, it requires a little heating, just like professional sugars.
You can do the sugaring at home using the manual technique, as we do in the studio, or you can use Sugar Buddy's special spatula technique. The spatula facilitates e.g. self-sugaring of armpits and intimate areas.
Vegan, recyclability & additives?
You would think that these are self-explanatory, but let's recap a little!
All of HejBuddy's products are vegan, as natural as they can be made, and the jars and packaging are recyclable. We do not generate problematic waste. In addition, you can order a Refill for the Sugar Buddy package, which comes without outer packaging and spatula.
Where do you deliver & where are the studios?
We deliver by Posti to mainland Finland and Åland.
Our first studio is in Helsinki, Iso Roobertinkatu.
What to do before & after sugaring?
Whether it's professional or home sugaring, the same rules apply.
• Let the hair grow for a couple of weeks before sugaring - hair that is too short is slow to work with and may not even come off
• During those two weeks, exfoliate and moisturize the skin regularly - it prepares the skin for sugaring
• After sugaring, use light moisture products that do not block the skin. Between sugarings, you can do your normal exfoliation + moisturizing routine.
• Do not shake for a couple of weeks before the first sugaring.
• Do not moisturize the skin again the same day before sugaring. The products form a film on the skin and the sugar mass cannot adhere optimally.
• Do not peel the skin after sugaring for 24 hours
• Do not sweat or take a sauna for 24 hours after sugaring - or if you do, take a shower immediately after sweating to prevent bacteria from entering open hair follicles